Herlan Store was recently inaugurated in Natore and Kushtia. The popular actress Apu Biswas was present at both locations to mark the opening of the new stores. The first showroom was opened in Amlapara, Kushtia district headquarters, on Friday, June 23 at 3 pm. The second showroom was opened in Chakrampur, Dhaka Road, Natore, at 2 pm on Saturday. While inaugurating the two stores, the actress stated that Herlan Store will provide customers with access to a wide range of popular international cosmetics and beauty products. Premium-quality American cosmetics and skincare brands Herlan, Nior, Siodil, and Blaze O’ Skin products are readily available for consumers. These world-renowned brands are known for their exceptional quality and are now easily accessible to consumers.
Abdul Alim Shimul, the Head of Operations at Herlan Store, announced that the company’s latest initiative aims to bring high-quality products to customers across the country, not just in major cities or the capital. The launch of these new stores is part of Herlan Store’s ongoing efforts to expand its reach and provide top-notch products to customers nationwide.
Source: thedailystar